The objectives of SOPHOS-AFRICA are to:-
  • See 18% of influencers or opinion leaders in specific communities have attained transformed mind-set, outlook and values.

  • Generate research-based transformational ideas and data from a research think tank made up of at least 7 professionals.

  • Produce and publish materials based on research findings to be used for outreach programmes and transformational training.

  • Educate key individuals and groups in different sectors of society that corruption, ethnocentrism, and religious extremism lead to poverty.

  • Support the influencers and opinion leaders in churches, educational institutions, in the business community and in government and NGOs as they effectively and meaningfully address:
    o Corruption and causes of corruption.
    o Ethnocentrism and causes and effects of ethnocentric activities.
    o Religious extremism and its causes and effects.

  • Establish value driven economic empowerment programmes amongst women and young people.

  • Provide a platform of conversation for people from public , religious, educational, business, and civil society sectors to discuss matters of common concern in society.