Three Programmatic Approaches

The five integrated strategic pillars are organised under three interconnected programmatic  categories: 

A. Critical Understanding -> Research Think Tank
B. Culture and Value Change -> Capacity Development and Social Movement 
C. Creation of Wealth -> Value Driven Economic Empowerment Programmes amongst Women and Young People

Underlying Principle:

      • Change of mindset, culture and values requires critical and thorough understanding of contextual realities.
      • Successful and sustainable creation of wealth requires tackling factors that contribute to poverty.
diagram 4

Through its three interconnected programmes, SOPHOS AFRICA expects to address the threefold need for:

      • culturally and morally changed and economically empowered communities and individuals;
      • individuals and communities who are better equipped and able to deal with factors that contribute to poverty;
      • a critical mass of well-informed, committed and motivated change agents.

Expected outcomes:

      • Economic improvement and socio-cultural and moral empowerment amongst a significant number of women and young people.
      • Greater knowledge and understanding about factors that contribute to poverty and mechanisms to mitigate these;
      • An increased number of change agents;
      • Practice and institutionalisation of a culture of stewardship, inclusion and peaceful co-existence;
      • Resilient and flourishing societies.