Ethical -> Corruption
The first pillar is ethical, which relates to dislodging corruption by institutionalising the principle of fairness and ethical stewardship.
Corruption is the improper use of status and entrusted office, and power and resources. Political improprieties relate to ignoring constitutional provisions, power abuse, extreme partisanship and corrupt networks of relationships. Economic improprieties concern resource embezzlement, bribery, tax evasion etc. Social improprieties concern patronage or clientelism, nepotism, and cronyism. Ecclesial improprieties concern patronage, unhealthy networks of relationships, abusing trust, self-aggrandisement, and self-enrichment through false spiritual claims and promises.

The increasing existence of corruption amongst church leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, and business people has made corruption a culture and something tolerable, acceptable or even normal. SOPHOS AFRICA will seek to contribute to efforts to dislodge corruption through conscientising, stimulating and nurturing a breed of people that treats corruption as a wicked act, dangerous to relationships, an obstacle to reduction of poverty, and an impediment to societal, moral and economic progress. Through this, it is hoped that trust and trustworthiness, faithfulness to people, respect for policies and legal procedures, commitment to the common good, and spirit of service will flourish within political leadership, bureaucratic structures, and organisational and institutional contexts. The goal will be replacing a culture of corruption with a culture of fairness and ethical stewardship. Change will then be inevitable. Corruption might still exist but it will not be a culture.