Economic -> Poverty
The economic pillar concerns value driven and ethically orientated poverty alleviation schemes modelled on interdependence with special focus on women and young people.
Poverty is the state of someone whose resources cannot meet basic needs. In Africa almost half a billion people live below the global poverty line. That is, 70% of the world’s poorest population lives in Africa.
SOPHOS AFRICA seeks to enhance an understanding of poverty not only as material, but also as intellectual, ethical, relational and spiritual need. In so doing, it strives to contribute to efforts that help change mindsets and advance societal values within life, work, wealth-creation, and relationships.

As efforts to help transform mindsets and socio-cultural values must be coupled with efforts to transform lives and livelihoods, SOPHOS AFRICA seeks to address the problem of poverty amongst communities, who have been victimised and impoverished by socio-cultural violence, corruption, ethnocentrism, religious materialism, and political and religious extremism. These victims are mainly women and young people. The poverty alleviation schemes amongst these groups will be modelled on interdependence. The groups will be heterogeneous and categorised according to similar capabilities.